The Nioun are a mysterious and powerful race of intelligent beings that originated from another dimension and entered Ardia through the Dimensional Fog Gates. They possess immense powers and are immune to the deadly fog that devastated the population of Ardia 126 years ago. Their presence on Ardia has led to the creation of mutations and transformations, known as "Nioun Monsters," among many of the planet's species.
Although the Nioun are known to be violent and enjoy death and psychological warfare, they do not take pleasure in killing the weak and fragile. They are selective in their killing, choosing only those they deem worthy opponents. They are also known to be cold and emotionless, but they possess enough emotional capacity to care for their own kind and those they deem worthy.
Little is known about the Nioun and their origins, but their presence on Ardia has had a significant impact on the planet and its inhabitants. They are feared and respected for their immense power and abilities, but also considered a threat to the survival of many of the planet's species.
Ulgumar is a "Pure Nioun", standing at 309cm, which is considered an average height for his kind. He is the first-born of Pentagur, and the brother of Henjaruk, Jaku, Gilmagur, Selua, and Gojalkenmar. He is known to possess a mixture of both honorable and cruel characteristics, holding the superiority symptom but also being kind-hearted when the situation calls for it. He is a complex individual, capable of eliciting both positive and negative emotions from those around him.
Ulgumar is also known to be a formidable warrior, possessing immense physical strength and the ability to hold his own in a battle even when he is physically weaker, slower, and has less combat experience. He is able to clash with the enormous Silius to a standstill, a testament to his prowess as a warrior.
Despite his cruel and superior attitude, Ulgumar is also known to possess a sense of honor and respect for those he deems worthy. He is a fierce and determined fighter, who is not afraid to take on any challenge or risk his life to protect his own kind and those he cares about. He is also known to be strategic thinker, able to outmaneuver his opponents and make calculated decisions in battle.
In addition, Ulgumar is also known to possess a deep understanding of his own kind and the many different species of Ardia, which allows him to anticipate their moves and predict their actions. He is also capable of showing empathy and compassion towards those he cares about, despite his cold and emotionless exterior.
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